My Mission

My Mission✌😊

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This is a journey along my life as a working mama ~ wife ~ doctorate student ~ adjunct professor ~ trying my best to implement balance and gratitude within my many roles while striving to be a genuinely good role model for our son and within our community.  Mornings with an OT Mom is a multimedia experience about understanding the science behind play and every day activities and their connection to overall development, emotional regularity, and academic achievement.

✌It is about collaborating with others to facilitate lifelong learning and to make connections that build opportunities.  It is to empower and educate with evidence based research to shift the mindset to focus on the foundational skills necessary to support emotional regularity and the attainment of academic and life goals throughout a lifespan. 📚

I am so excited for you all to be joining me on this journey.  Thank you so much for supporting me and Mornings with an OT Mom!  Looking forward to connecting with each and every one of you!